Culture-sensitive chemistry self-concept research: The relationship of chemistry self-concept with culture, gender, and chemistry capital
Dissertation - Fakultät 2 - Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften - Institut für Naturwissenschaften und Technik
Kurzinhalt:In Germany, secondary school students differ greatly in their science achievement, a dispersion that is far above the OECD average. Immigrant students tend to be at the lower end of the scale which is also reflected on the job market. Achievement and career choices are closely intertwined with academic self-concept. Regarding science self-concept, the pattern that immigrant students tend to score lower is present in many countries.

The goal of the present research project was to investigate these inequalities between immigrant and non-immigrant secondary school students. This was done focusing on secondary school students’ chemistry self-concepts. Besides the impact of students’ migration background, the research project analyses the role that gender plays because gender has important effects on science self-concepts.

A big challenge in this context was that the prevailing methods in academic self-concept research are prone to yield biased data. The present research project addresses this issue and presents a new mixed methods approach to culture-sensitive academic self-concept research. A combination of qualitative interview data and quantitative data permit an investigation of certain types of bias.

The present research project advances the field of chemistry education in three regards:

(i) It provides an approach to culture-sensitive academic self-concept. This approach proved to increase both the validity and the explanatory power of chemistry self-concept research. It can be used in other areas of research as well.

(ii) It discovered an interaction effect of gender and migration background on chemistry self-concept that was unknown in science education literature.

(iii) It introduces and defines the concept of chemistry capital which permits to analyze chemistry education from a sociocultural perspective.
Projektdauer:01.03.2017 bis 17.07.2020

Dr. Lilith Rüschenpöhler

Erstgutachten: Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic (Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg)
Zweitgutachten: Prof. Dr. Simone Abels (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
Drittgutachten: Prof. Dr. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

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Erfasst von Dr. Lilith Rüschenpöhler am 21.03.2018
Zuletzt geändert von Dr. Lilith Rüschenpöhler am 13.01.2021